Holiday Greetings from the KIE Acting Director
This has been a very difficult year for all of us. Bioethics has been at the very center of the pandemic, and bioethics has been forced anew to confront issues of racial injustice in healthcare. We are working harder than ever and interacting in unfamiliar ways. The nights are longer and the days are colder, but there is hope for us all. We may be witnessing the beginning of the end of the pandemic; having been conscientitized, the healthcare system may be on its way, finally, to righting long-standing injustices. Despite the gravity of these issues and the seriousness of the ethical concerns, we will lose our focus if we do not maintain a spirit of hope and a sense of good cheer. That is one of the core messages of the religious feasts that so many of us celebrate at this time of year. Light shines in the darkness.
On behalf of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics faculty and staff, I therefore wish you all the best this holiday season can bring and, in a spirit of good humor and continued commitment to the good and the right offer,
the right offer, the following message of holiday cheer.
The Twelve Months of COVID
(to the tune of the Twelve Days of Christmas)
Daniel P. Sulmasy 12/09/20

A Pangolin
In the first month of COVID the Pandemic gave to me…. A pangolin in a pear tree.
In the second month of COVID the Pandemic gave to me…Chinese surveillance
In the third month of COVID the Pandemic gave to me…Italy in lockdown
In the fourth month of COVID the Pandemic gave to me…Global quarantining
In the fifth month of COVID the Pandemic gave to me…Hydroxy-Choloro-Quine
In the sixth month of COVID the Pandemic gave to me…New York in chaos
In the seventh month of COVID the Pandemic gave to me…Anthony Fauci
In the eighth month of COVID the Pandemic gave to me…Masks—cloth or paper
In the ninth month of COVID the Pandemic gave to me… All outdoor dining
In the tenth month of COVID the Pandemic gave to me…Online classes zooming
In the eleventh month of COVID the Pandemic gave to me…Lockdowns starting over
In the twelfth month of COVID the Pandemic gave to me…Hope for vaccinations
READ MORE NEWS ABOUT: KIE Director, Senior Research Scholar
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