KIE Senior Scholar Founds The Journal of Philosophy of Disability
The Kennedy Institute of Ethics celebrates the inaugural issue of The Journal of Philosophy of Disability (JPD), released Thursday, November 18th. Joel Michael Reynolds, KIE Senior Research Scholar and Assistant Professor of Philosophy & Disability Studies, founded the journal. He edits it with Teresa Blankmeyer Burke of Gallaudet University.
“This is an extremely exciting time for the field of philosophy of disability. Disability is central to life, and it is long overdue for philosophy to take its study more seriously. The Journal of Philosophy of Disability will act as a place to enrich and deepen rapidly expanding scholarship in this area.”
–Joel Michael Reynolds

The JPD is the first peer-reviewed journal devoted to scholarship in the field of philosophy of disability. The journal’s launch coincided with World Philosophy Day.
The Journal of Philosophy of Disability publishes peer-reviewed articles, book reviews, critical responses, commentaries, and occasional special issues. The editors, Dr. Reynolds and Dr. Burke, welcome scholarship from all philosophical perspectives, including analytic, continental, and pragmatist traditions, the history of philosophy, empirically informed philosophy, non-Western philosophy, and other traditions as well as other fields that substantively engage research in philosophy of disability.
As an open-access publication, the JPD requires no payments from authors and publishes all its content with a Creative Commons license thanks to support from Georgetown University. In addition, the JPD supports and is also supported by the Society for Philosophy and Disability. You can send submissions as well as any questions about the journal to The inaugural issue includes pieces by Eva Feder Kittay, Jürgen Habermas, Leslie Francis, Kim Q. Hall, Joseph Stramondo, Andrea J. Pitts, Desiree Valentine, and Andrew F. Smith, among others.
Read the Inaugural Issue