Visiting Researcher Program Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to become a Visiting Researcher to use the Bioethics Research Library?

The KIE’s Bioethics Research Library is open to the Georgetown campus community, including alumni and members of the Georgetown University Library Associates program, and to current students and faculty of other Washington Research Library Consortium schools. If you are not a member of one of these categories, and wish to visit for a week or more of research, we recommend that you contact Laura Bishop to discuss the nature of your research and proposed length of stay. You may be encouraged to apply to the Visiting Researcher program for more formal access. You can read more about library use policies at the Bioethics Research Library website .

What does the Visiting Researcher Program provide?

Visiting researchers will receive lending privileges at the Bioethics Research Library and the main University Library and may attend various University-sponsored events. Every effort is made to ensure that researchers are made aware of speakers and programs hosted by the Institute, the Medical School , the Law Center, and the Philosophy Department , to which they are welcome. The Program does not include provision of office space, secretarial support, housing, or any form of financial support.

Visiting researchers also benefit from an in-depth reference and research consultation with information specialists in the Bioethics Research Library and (depending on availability) enjoy the use of a carrel where they may shelve materials related to their research. Visiting researchers are able to audit graduate classes taught by KIE faculty (with prior permission) and to request one-on-one meetings with scholars working on topics relevant to the researcher’s interests.

The Visiting Research Program at the KIE is part of the University’s Visiting Researcher Program under the Office of the Provost.

How do I arrange for housing?

Housing in the Washington, DC area is in high demand. The University does not provide Visiting Researchers with housing accommodations. Those wishing to obtain housing in the area should begin to make arrangements well in advance of their arrival.

US-based researchers may visit Georgetown’s Off Campus Housing Office  for assistance in locating housing in the Washington area. Non-US-based researchers may contact Georgetown’s Office of International Services  for information about living in Washington, DC. The office also provides a lot of useful information for J-1 Scholars. Three semesters make up the year: Fall, Spring, and Summer.

What fees are involved?

At present, two administrative fees of $400 each are charged each semester or portion of the semester. One fee is payable to the Provost’s Office and the other to the Kennedy Institute of Ethics. Fees may be paid by cashier’s check, personal check, traveler’s check, or in cash (US dollars only); no credit card payments are accepted.

Can I start my stay at any point in the year?

The Visiting Researcher program is flexible to accommodate scholars’ existing commitments.

Applications to the program are accepted on a rolling basis, but researchers may not start their
research stay during the summer months of June, July, and August unless special arrangements are made. Scholars may start in mid-August to get settled and oriented prior to the start of fall semester.

Where can I find more information?

Visit the Georgetown University Visiting Researcher Program page

How to Apply

To begin the process, send us an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae, a short one to two page summary of the research project to be pursued while you are at Georgetown, and a cover letter describing the purpose or goal of your research and the inclusive dates that you would like to visit.

If your application is accepted, you will hear directly from us about the next steps of the application process, which involve the Provost’s Office and, if you will be visiting from outside the United States, Georgetown’s Office of Global Services.

Please send your materials by email to Laura Bishop, Director of Academic Programs, with the subject line “Visiting Researcher Program.” For questions about and throughout the process, feel free to contact Laura BishopPlease do not contact the Provost’s Office directly.